A few words about


our community of practice

We are building a community of evaluators and those interested in evaluation.

Membership is open to all individuals involved in evaluation or evaluation-related activities in the public/private sector and civil society.

Membership is also open to all evaluation-related organisations registered, formed or incorporated under the Companies Act, 1965, the Societies Act, 1966, or any legislation passed by the Federal or State governments in Malaysia.

There are five classes of membership, as follows:

  • Ordinary Membership

    Individuals who are involved/interested in evaluation activities

  • Associate Membership

    Individuals and organizations, whose main activity is not evaluation but are in related fields

  • Corporate Membership

    Public or private sector organizations whose
    activities are directly related to evaluation or evaluation related fields

  • Honorary Membership

    Individuals who are involved with evaluation work and who are in a position to contribute to the growth and development of the evaluation profession

  • Life Membership MES

    Life membership is open to all ordinary members. Life membership will be considered on application and upon completion of 2 years ordinary membership

There is also opportunity to volunteer with MES

If you are exploring evaluation as career path, as a fresh graduate or a mid-career professional, or just simply interested in a new field, why not volunteer for us? MES welcomes support in carrying out its activities and advocacy.

MES welcomes collaboration with or any form of support from development partners in promoting and advocating the evaluation agenda in developing countries.

Be it as a prospective member, volunteer, or donor, please leave us a message below. We will respond to you as soon as possible. 

Do note that the processing & membership fees are as follows:

Membership subscription fees are renewed annually and are as follows:

  • Ordinary & Associate Members: RM100
  • Corporate Members: RM300
  • Honorary & Life Members: Not Applicable

A one-time entrance fee of RM50 (RM100 for corporate members) may be waived upon the discretion of the Management Committee.

Volunteers are not obliged to pay any dues to MES.

Please explain your interest. If you are seeking membership, please provide a brief description of your work experience or qualification related to evaluation. If you would like to volunteer, please provide a brief description of your skills. If you would like to support us, please share with us details of your organisational affiliation.

In the meantime, please subscribe to our newsletter, and find out more about what we do as well as highlights from the evaluation sector.